Are your muscles sore during or after working out? If you are new to exercise, soreness can be alarming and affect your enthusiasm to stay on course. But there is no need to worry because soreness decreases as your muscles get used to the new physical stress being placed upon them. This article delves into muscle soreness, the best supplements for muscle soreness, dietary strategies, and habits for DOMS recovery that can support your recovery process, ensuring you bounce back stronger after every workout.
Muscle Soreness: What Is It and Types
Muscle soreness is a normal process that occurs when muscles are required to work harder than they’re used to or are challenged in different ways. Muscle soreness can be a typical experience if you just started working out. But it can, also, happen if you train hard or switch things up during your workouts. Pain, on the other hand, is not normal and may be a sign that you injured yourself or overtrained
There are two types of muscle soreness, acute and delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS):
- Acute Muscle Soreness: Muscle soreness happens during or immediately after exercise. Acute muscle soreness feels like a burning pain, which resolves itself soon after stopping the exercise. It’s caused by muscle fatigue and a buildup of lactic acid and H+ in the muscles. Yet, it can also take place due to dehydration or electrolyte imbalance.
- Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS): This type of soreness takes place between 24 to 72 hours after exercise. DOMS is more of a lasting dull, aching pain that comes along with stiffness or tenderness. This is caused by exercise consisting of eccentric (lengthening) contractions of the muscle, which create micro-tears in muscle fibers. This is a natural process to prevent damage, recover, and rebuild muscle. You can experience DOMS when you change your routine or train intensely. People are generally more concerned with DOMS since it’s longer lasting. Rest assured that DOMS is part of the adaptation process leading to changes in body composition, stamina, and strength.
🛑 Be aware of NSAIDs:
When aching, feeling in pain, or having a fever, many people take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). They work like corticosteroids, which reduce pain and inflammation. The most common NSAIDs are Aspirin (Bayer®, St. Joseph®, Anacin®, Ascriptin®, Bufferin®, Excedrin®), Ibuprofen (Motrin®, Advil®), and Naproxen sodium (Aleve®). Yet, you should avoid taking NSAIDs regularly because they are just not that healthy for you. Using them once in a while is fine but you shouldn’t use NSAIDs for more than three days for fever and 10 days for pain. Here is why:
- NSAIDs have Side Effects: Some of the side effects associated with NSAIDs include an increased chance of heart attack or stroke, heart problems, and gastrointestinal problems (gas, feeling bloated, heartburn, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation.
- NSAIDs Block the Inflammatory Response: The problem with NSAIDs is that they block the production of chemicals that cause inflammation. You may think that’s great because you have probably heard that inflammation is not good for the body. Yet, it’s all about the kind of inflammation that you are dealing with – acute or chronic inflammation. Inflammation is the immune system’s defense mechanism against harmful stimuli (such as pathogens, viruses, damaged cells, or toxic compounds) and a healing response during injury or infection. After working out, injury, or infection, there is an inflammatory response. Your body releases white blood cells to restore homeostasis. This acute inflammation is vital to a healthy body. NSAIDs block that healing process.
Now you know that soreness is normal and a necessary part of the recovery process, you need to learn how to manage it to stay on track. Let’s explore the best strategy for muscle soreness and habits for DOMS recovery.
Best Dietary Strategies for DOMS Recovery
Supplements for Sore Muscles
An essential dietary strategy for DOMS is supplementing. The following is a list of natural supplements that can aid in dealing with DOMS. You should take supplements that help your muscles recover instead of NSAIDS, which suppress symptoms and don’t allow your body to heal.
Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)
BCAAs are important supplements for muscle soreness. These amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, and valine) enhance muscle protein synthesis and muscle growth, prevent muscle wasting, and provide energy. Research has shown that BCAAs decrease muscle damage during a workout, attenuate exercise-induced muscle damage, and reduce DOMS following training.
L-Citrulline is a non-essential amino acid. Research shows that L-citrulline improves exercise performance by removing ammonia and reduces post-exercise perceived exertion (RPE) and muscle soreness.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Another supplement for muscle soreness is Omega 3s, which are known for their anti-inflammatory properties, as well as their essential role in hormone synthesis and bone repair. Research shows that supplementing with 3000 mg of DHA/EPA omega-3 minimizes post-exercise muscle soreness. Here are some high-quality Omega 3s: Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega, Barlean’s Total Omega 3, Puori Omega 3 Fish Oil.
Dairy Protein
Dairy protein has beneficial amino acids and sulfur-containing compounds. Studies have shown that whey protein has a positive impact on essential biomarkers (myoglobin and creatine kinase), helping reduce fatigue, DOMS, and the risk of injuries. In the same fashion, milk protein supplementation following exercise attenuates strength decline during the pro-inflammatory phase, as well as muscle soreness.
Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties found in turmeric that has been shown to reduce pain associated with DOMS and speed up recovery after exercise.
This natural stimulant in tea, coffee, and cacao is known for arousing the brain and central nervous system, keeping your mind and body alert and energized. Caffeine has been shown to have a positive effect on performance. Still, current research shows that caffeine supplementation (6 mg per kg of body weight) can facilitate recovery of muscle power and attenuate DOMS. Caffeine, also, increases postexercise serum glucose and lactate concentrations.
Antioxidant Vitamins
Vitamin C and vitamin E are other supplements for muscle soreness. These two antioxidant vitamins help combat oxidative stress. Research shows that 4-day supplementation with 2000 mg/d of vitamin C and 1400 U/d of vitamin E effectively attenuates exercise-induced tissue damage, DOMS, and inflammatory responses, and decreases the rate of lipid peroxidation (oxidative degradation of lipids involved in free radical chain reactions damaging cells) that happens during exercise.
Magnesium is important for energy creation, protein formation, gene repair, contraction and relaxation of muscles, nervous system regulation, and biochemical reactions involving enzymes. Research shows that magnesium supplementation helps decrease muscle soreness and perceived exertion post-exercise.
The role of gut health on digestion, immune function, protein absorption, and inflammation has been studied for a while. It is now known that modifications in the gut microbiota composition can contribute to physical performance and post-exercise recovery. These are some high-quality gut health supplements: Mary Ruth’s 3 in 1 (Prebiotics, Probiotics and Postbiotics) Probiotic.
Research shows that probiotic supplementation is another supplement for muscle soreness – in combination with protein, it reduces muscle damage, improves recovery, and maintains physical performance post-exercise
Glutamine is an amino acid well-known for enhancing athletic performance and increasing growth hormone. Research shows that glutamine accelerates carb intake post-workout, speeds recovery, and attenuates DOMS effects and muscle damage.
Foods that Help Muscle Soreness
An important strategy for muscle soreness is your diet. As you know, what you consume directly affects your health, performance, and mood. The following is a list of foods that can help you ameliorate the effects of training:
Protein-Rich Foods
As you learned branched-chain amino acids are a powerful strategy for muscle soreness. You can get these amino acids from foods. Valine is found in red meats, dairy products (kefir and milk), mushrooms, and peanuts. You can find leucine in animal sources (cheese, red meat, poultry, gelatin, collagen) and plant-based sources (spirulina, quinoa, sunflower seeds, pistachios, corn, wheat germ, brown rice). Foods with isoleucine are beef, tuna, cod, haddock, yogurt, oats, lentils, spirulina, sunflower, sesame seeds, and seaweed. Learn all about Protein: Roles, Benefits, & Best Sources
Anti-Inflammatory Foods
Foods that decrease inflammation can provide relief from muscle soreness. Some anti-inflammatory foods are wild salmon, mushrooms, sauerkraut, bone broth, greens (kale, broccoli), seaweed (dulse), fruits (blueberries, watermelon, pineapple, cherry juice), species & herbs (turmeric, ginger, garlic). Specific studies have shown that certain anti-inflammatory foods (watermelon, cherry juice, pineapple, ginger) can reduce inflammation, recovery rate, and DOMS, and increase total antioxidative capacity.
Foods Rich in Antioxidant Vitamins
As you learned above, Vitamins C & E are a great strategy for muscle soreness. Consume foods high in vitamin C (Kakadu plums, acerola cherries, rose hips, chili peppers, guavas, sweet yellow peppers, blackcurrants, thyme, parsley, mustard spinach, kale, kiwis, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, lemons, lychees, papayas, strawberries, and oranges) and foods high in vitamin E (Wheat germ oil, sunflower seeds, and oil, almonds, hazelnut oil, Mamey Sapote, almonds oil, hazelnuts, Abalone, pine nuts, goose meat, peanuts, salmon, avocado, rainbow trout).
Magnesium-Rich Foods
Since magnesium has a positive impact on inflammation and DOMS, eating magnesium-rich foods is advisable. Consume foods like dark chocolate, avocados, nuts, legumes (lentils, beans, chickpeas, peas), seeds (hemp, flax, pumpkin, chia seeds), whole grains (wheat, oats, barley, buckwheat, quinoa), fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, halibut), bananas, and leafy greens, (kale, spinach, collard greens, turnip greens, mustard greens).
Probiotic-Rich Foods
Probiotics are a helpful strategy for muscle soreness. Probiotic-rich foods are fermented vegetables, kefir, kimchi, kombucha, tempeh, miso, sauerkraut, pickles, and traditional buttermilk are a great addition to your diet to keep your body performing at its best.
Essential Habits to Reduce Muscle Soreness
There are numerous habits for DOMS. Here are some of the essential ones that you can start implementing:
Topicals for DOMS
Applying topicals such as creams, lotions, or other products directly to the skin is another good habit for DOMS. Examples of topicals for DOMS include:
- CBD: Cannabidiol (CBD) is the second most prevalent of the active ingredients of cannabis. It’s derived directly from the hemp plant, which is a cousin of the marijuana plant. CBD is used to address seizures, anxiety, insomnia, and cancer-related issues. CBD is also a natural solution for chronic pain. Research shows that CBD significantly influences muscle soreness associated with exercise-induced muscle damage and DOMS when consumed immediately after strenuous exercise.
- Arnica: This herb grows in Europe and the U.S. Arnica gels and ointments are often used as a skin treatment for bruises, aches, pains, and arthritis symptoms (pain and swelling in the knees and hands). Research shows that arnica provides pain relief and decreases tenderness associated with DOMS.
- Epsom salt: Also called magnesium sulfate has been used for constipation, insomnia, and pain. Research shows that Epsom salt can be beneficial for reducing perceived muscle pain and post-exercise disability.
Research shows that pre‐exercise stretching and post‐exercise stretching reduce soreness one day after exercise (post‐exercise stretching appears to be more effective than pre‐exercise stretching).
This ancient practice has been used for multiple purposes. Research shows that massage is effective in reducing swelling and alleviating DOMS by approximately 30%. If massages are not for you or are out of your budget, you can learn how to use a massage gun and start doing myofascial release therapy yourself.
Foam Rolling
Foam Rolling is a great recovery tool and a useful habit for DOMS. Research shows that foam rolling helps to attenuate muscle soreness while improving vertical jump height, muscle activation, and passive and dynamic range of motion.
Cold Therapy and Heat Therapy
Cold therapy (cold water immersion, cryotherapy) has numerous benefits, helping decrease pain and inflammation. Research shows that cold therapy helps lower soreness and accelerate recovery kinetics.
Hyperthermia or heat therapy – heat for pain relief and health by using warm damp towels, heating pads, and warm baths – is a cozy habit for DOMS. The use of heat for pain relief and health. Research shows that applying heat immediately after exercising (not after 24 hrs) decreases muscle damage and reduces delayed onset muscle soreness.
Warming Up & Cooling Down
Warming up & cooling down are two more habits for DOMS. Warm-ups before exercising and cool-downs post-exercise have been encouraged for years. Warm-ups increase blood flow to your muscles and cardiovascular system, prepping your body and preventing injury. Cooldowns keep blood flowing after your workout and allow for a gradual recovery of pre-exercise heart rate and blood pressure to prevent sudden drops.
Research shows that warm-ups and cool-downs are effective in controlling muscle soreness and loss of muscle performance at 48 hours post-exercise but the combination of a warm-up and cool-down provides even superior results.
Compression garments have been shown to reduce the amount and severity of histological muscle damage post-exercise and are an easy habit for DOMS.
Light Exercise
After a hard session, more exercise may feel counterproductive, but light exercise (walking, swimming, or working with bands) can help DOMS. Research shows that active exercise using elastic resistance reduces the intensity of soreness. It provides similar acute relief of muscle soreness as compared with using massage.
Dealing with muscle soreness, especially after an intense workout, is part of the fitness journey, but it doesn’t have to slow you down. By incorporating effective habits for DOMS like proper warm-ups, cool-downs, and stretching, alongside post-exercise activities such as foam rolling, you can significantly reduce the discomfort of DOMS. In addition, fueling your body with nutrient-dense foods rich in protein, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds, along with supplements for muscle soreness can accelerate muscle recovery and repair. With the right strategy for muscle soreness, you can manage discomfort and continue progressing toward your fitness goals while keeping your muscles healthy and strong.
To a Healthier Fitter You,
The Fitness Wellness Mentor