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It can take anywhere between a few months to a few years for someone to lose weight and achieve their ideal health. After a while, you may begin to feel comfortable in the transition process, making it difficult to reach the end; it’s a new stage of your life, and you may not be sure what to do next.

You’re not alone.

We’re here to help you learn how to accept your new body after weight loss and start feeling more comfortable in this new chapter of your life.

Take It Slow

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to take it day by day. You’re not going to feel comfortable in your body right away, and it’s important to accept that. There may be days where you don’t feel like yourself, and that’s OK.

Tell yourself it’s a new day and a perfect day to show yourself some self-love each morning. Remember why you lost weight in the first place; it could’ve been to live a better life, improve certain health conditions, or anything else.

You’re living the dream you envisioned for yourself when you started your weight loss journey.

Prepare for Compliments

Unfortunately, not many people know what to say to someone who has lost weight. You may hear compliments that have the right intentions but may come out wrong or offensive.

Prepare to hear those cringy compliments like, “Wow, you lost weight! I can’t believe it. You look so good now!” Although they may have the right idea in mind, saying those things may offend you. Try not to let it bother you.

If someone gives you an offhand compliment or says the wrong thing, correct them and tell them, “Yes, I am fit and healthy now, thank you!” This is a great way also to remind yourself that you’re not just a person who lost weight; you’re a strong, independent, fit, and healthy person!

Express Gratitude Regularly

Try keeping a gratitude journal and write in it daily about how much you love your body. Thank your body for everything it does for you. Expressing gratitude reminds you of the hard work you put in to reach your goals.

Go Shopping

Now that you’re healthier and living your best life, it’s time to shop for a new wardrobe. It may feel weird at first to look at sizes you only wished you’d fit in before you started your journey. Try to have fun with it! You may have felt like you couldn’t wear what you wanted before, but now you can!

Explore your fashion and learn which fall/winter 2021 trends you should follow! But keep in mind to wear what feels comfortable.

Just because you lost excess weight doesn’t mean you lost yourself. In fact, weight loss helps us find ourselves because we’re no longer terrified to live our lives. You may feel empowered now and forget how to accept your new body after weight loss a month from now, but it’s all a part of your journey.

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