Benefits of Hanging Knee Raises

Benefits of Hanging Knee Raises

Hanging Knee Raises is another amazing exercise for the core. It is a great compound exercise. Compound exercises are favorable since they involve multiple set of muscles, facilitating fat loss efforts and multiple join engagement. Doing Hanging Knee Raises...
Crab Kicks

Crab Kicks

Crab Kicks, Want to accelerate your heart rate while maintaining your muscles under tension??? Try Crab Kicks! Whole body exercise that strengthens the lower and the upper body simultaneously. Plus, they put a good strain on your cardiovascular system. Crab kicks...
3691 Healthy Eating System

3691 Healthy Eating System

Healthy Eating System, I am so excited to be part of this project! Molli & Tony Rathstone, the creators of the 3-6-9-1 Healthy Eating System, invited a dozen experts on the fitness and wellness arena to participate on the completion of their book’s second...
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