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If you’re struggling to lose weight, despite your best efforts, there might be some issues. In this article, we are going to consider potential reasons why you are not losing weight. Stick with your goals and don’t give up hope just yet. 

#1: You’re Doing It Alone

It is easier to achieve any type of goal with the support of another. If you’re doing it on your own, you might be making mistakes with your diet or exercise regime because you don’t have the expertise. Or you might be falling into bad habits if there is nobody to hold you accountable. Or you might be discouraged because you feel that no one has your back or is supporting you.

Our advice? Join a weight loss group for advice and moral support or work with friends who have similar weight loss goals to you. You can also seek professional support too. Speak to your regular doctor or dietician, or consult with a weight loss clinic for the services that they can offer you. 

#2: You Have a Medical Condition

There are some medical conditions that will make it harder for you to lose weight. This doesn’t mean losing weight will be impossible but you might hit your goals later than most. Conditions that increase inflammation in the body can make it difficult to lose weight since they can promote muscle wasting, decrease energy, and disrupt metabolism and appetite-regulating hormones. Conditions that affect your hormones, insulin levels, blood pressure, lung capacity, and joints can affect fat loss too.

Furthermore, high toxicity in the body can impede fat loss. Toxins can disrupt hormones involved in your metabolism (insulin, leptin, ghrelin, thyroid, cortisol). They increase inflammatory mediators which can then affect insulin resistance, leptin resistance, and appetite. Toxins can, also, affect mitochondrial function by reducing fatty acid oxidation and thermogenesis so your ability to burn fat is decreased.

If any of these conditions apply to you, consult with your doctor for advice on what you can do to manage them in relation to your weight loss goals. It might also be that you have an undetected medical condition, in which case, your doctor should diagnose the reason for your struggle to lose weight.

#3: You Are Taking Certain Meds

Your medication use can one of the reasons why you are not losing weight. Some medications cause weight gain as a side effect. These can include antidepressants, beta-blockers, medications for diabetes, among others. This isn’t to say you are facing a losing battle when trying to lose weight, but you might need to speak to your doctor. It might be that they can adjust your medication to make life easier for you, or they might recommend an alternative. Check the list of side effects on your medication packaging to see if weight gain could be an issue. 

#4: You’re Not Lifting Weights

By now, you probably know that strength training is highly beneficial for your body. If you are not lifting weights, you are not only missing out on all the health benefits associate with strength training but also passing over on the fat loss advantages. Research shows that resistance training significantly improves upper and lower body strength, and decreases body weight, fat mass, and body fat percentages.

#5: You’re Skipping Cardio

If you’re serious about your weight loss goals, you will probably be exercising regularly. Thankfully, most exercise types are good for weight loss, but for best results, you should engage in cardiovascular exercises. These are any exercises that increase your heart rate, such as cycling, jogging, and swimming. They are an excellent way to burn body fat and get amazing health benefits) so fit them into your fitness routine. It might be that you are doing plenty of cardio already, but if you’re not losing weight, you may need to step up what you are doing. You may want to incorporate a few sessions of HIIT (high-intensity interval training) a week.

#6: You Keep Cheating on Your Diet

Your diet might be another of the reasons why you are not losing weight. You are aware that a healthy balanced diet is needed in order to change your body composition and your health. But maybe you are not following your diet as you should and you are cheating on your diet regularly. After identifying a healthy diet that takes into consideration your caloric needs, you should try to stick with it as much as possible. At the beginning of your fat loss journey, try to follow all your meal plans and you can have a cheat meal a week. This will help you to satisfy any craving you may have and, at the same time, will allow you to see the results you want.


Losing weight isn’t always easy but with a committed approach, you will hit your goals eventually. So, don’t despair if you are not seeing the results you expect. If you are currently struggling, be honest with yourself and identify the reasons why you are not losing weight. If any of what we stated above here relates to you, follow the advice we have given so you can the body you deserve and desire. 

To a Fitter Healthier You,

Adriana Albritton

The Fitness Wellness Mentor

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