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Most people join a gym because they feel that they should. After all, the benefits of working out are well known. Working out helps to boost the immune system, keeps your body healthy, and can even push your mood in the right direction. That’s a lot of goodness that comes from a relatively small amount of time. Doing any amount of exercise can be beneficial. But as with most valuable things, the more you put in, the more you’ll get out. In this post, we’ll look at how to ramp up your workouts. By putting in a bit more effort and intensity, you’ll find that it’s much easier to reach your fitness goals. 

Find a Gym You Like

Not all gyms are created equal. Some are good, some are bad, and some are in-between. You’ll be much more likely to go to the gym — and stay there for longer — if it’s a space you like being in. On the other hand, if it’s a dark and cramped space where you don’t feel comfortable, then you’ll likely want to leave as soon as you can. You might have to pay slightly more to become a member of a superior gym, but it’ll be worth it. Aside from enjoying being there more, you’ll likely also have access to a greater variety of equipment and other welcome additions, such as a spa area.

Understand What To Do

You could spend an hour in the gym and still fail to make much progress, all because you’re not using the equipment correctly. While some gym equipment is straightforward to use, some, such as free weights, require specific form and technique. And if you don’t know how to use that equipment, then your trip to the gym will be less effective than it could be. It’s worthwhile downloading a strength training app that’ll show you the correct way to do different exercises – It’s like having a trainer in your pocket. The best apps also allow you to create customized workout plans, that’ll make it easier for you to reach your individual fitness goals. 

In the Kitchen 

Another way to ramp up your workouts is by fueling your body properly. You’ll be able to enhance your results by eating the right foods and the right time windows. It’s worthwhile stepping up your food game to include meals that will maximize the results of your workout routines. This can include eating varied, healthy meals and upping your protein intake right after you’ve been to the gym. It’ll make a difference. 

Track Your Progress

Finally, if you go to the gym for long enough, you will be able to make progress. But if you’re not keeping tabs on your progress, then you won’t know what you’ve achieved, or which areas you still need to work on. You should make a note of what you’re capable of at the gym, and then look at stepping things up. You might begin by lifting 5kg weights, but before long you should progress to 8kg, then 10kg, and so on. Aside from allowing you to work out more effectively, making a note of your progress can just be highly encouraging — it’s awesome to see the results of your efforts!

As you can see, if you find a workout space you like, know what to do, track your progress, and put the right fuel in your body, you’ll be able to ramp up your workouts and get the results you are looking to achieve.

 👉🏻 If you’re struggling to see results, stay consistent, or create effective routines, don’t go it alone. A coach can offer the guidance, support, and accountability you need to reach your goals faster and with greater confidence. Reach out today—you’re closer than you think!

To a Fitter Healthier You,

Adriana Albritton

The Fitness Wellness Mentor

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