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Many people find it difficult to lose weight, but if you are overweight and need to shed some pounds for your health or just for your personal comfort, then it should be on your list of things to accomplish. If you want to lose weight, it’s essential to understand the aspects of the process that are toughest for you since they will differ from person to person. Snacking can be one of them. Read on to learn how to avoid snacking.

Snacking is something that many people struggle with. Sometimes, people eat properly at mealtimes, but then they might snack or ‘graze’ often throughout the day in between meals. This can create weight gain, much more when you are not making healthy choices. Trying to lose weight, exercising, and eating right is much more challenging when you’re snacking on top of everything else. Fortunately, there are many strategies to help you avoid unhealthy snacking.

Make Your Own Snacks 

It’s important to remember that snacking isn’t all bad. You can switch from unhealthy to healthy choices. If you get hungry between meals, or you’re trying a restrictive diet, you can eat six small meals throughout the day rather than three bigger ones. In this case, healthy snacks are going to be the trick. 

One way to ensure they don’t derail your weight loss efforts is to make them yourself. In that way, you’ll know exactly what’s gone into the snacks. Then, you’ll know for sure that they are healthy. This also helps you avoid processed foods. Yet, don’t forget to treat yourself on occasion; too much abstinence can lead to bingeing, which is very bad for you. That’s why making pinwheel recipes from Butter Your Biscuit and implementing similar ideas are allowed in moderation. 

Get A Drink

Another way to avoid unhealthy snacking is by getting a drink. Did you know that sometimes while you believe you’re hungry, you’re actually thirsty? The body is attempting to communicate with you, but it is confused, mainly due to not having enough fluids. So, instead of reaching for a snack when you’re hungry in between meals, consider drinking water instead. If the hunger goes away, it’s actually dehydration that you are experiencing.

If not, and you’re still hungry, drink water or other liquid without calories. For instance, you can add fruit (berries, watermelon, orange, or lemons) or veggies (cucumbers or carrots) to your water and leave it in the fridge. This will make delicious and healthy flavored water that can satisfy your cravings and quench your thirst. You can also drink sodium-free seltzer water or herbal teas.

Distract Yourself

You can also distract yourself as a way to avoid snacking. A good distraction is going for a walk. You won’t be able to do this every time you want a snack since it would become disruptive to your day. But on some occasions, when you have the time, go out. Going for a walk without bringing money or food with you, for example, means you won’t be able to snack. Or you can go to a place where you cannot, or should not, take a snack. If you don’t bring anything with you and there isn’t somewhere to purchase anything when you arrive, you’ll have to skip that snack. Additionally, walking can burn extra calories.

You can also make a phone call, which can serve you on different fronts. For one, it’s difficult to eat when you are talking to someone so nibbling would be out of the question. Talking to someone can be a way of reaching out for support as well. Talking to others is a well-known way to deal with habits. At the same time, engaging others can take the focus off you and distract you from snacking.

Address Your Thinking

Addressing your thinking can help you avoid unhealthy snacking too. Your thinking influences your behavior and your emotions. You must pay attention to your thoughts since engaging in unhealthy thinking patterns can sabotage your goals. This is a base for many unhealthy habits, among them snacking. Start by identifying unhelpful negative thinking to stop self-sabotage. You can also address your excuses for not eating healthy.

Deal with Stress Appropriately

Dealing with stress appropriately will help you avoid unhealthy snacking as well. You have probably heard of comfort foods. This term was created because people have the tendency of comforting themselves with food. Many times when experiencing stress or uncomfortable emotions people snack. And generally, people don’t snack on fruits and veggies but unhealthy foods that raise their sugar levels and have powerful tastes. Therefore, you should implement ways to cope with stress that are not damaging to you.

You need to stop and identify if you are truly hungry or if you want to nibble out of habit or you are doing it due to unhealthy thoughts and stress. Getting healthy snacks, hydrating yourself, and using distractions can be tremendous assets. Now that you know how to avoid unhealthy snacking, you can reduce your caloric intake, lose body fat, and become healthier.

To a Fitter Healthier You,

Adriana Albritton

The Fitness Wellness Mentor

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